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Advantages of hiring a fashion consultant : is it right for you?

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 30, 2016 9:05:42 PM / by Jennifer Serrano

Jennifer Serrano

advantages of hiring a fashion consultant

Every wardrobe is full of surprises. Have you ever wondered how to bring your Dream Closet Pinterest board to life? You’re not alone – many people want to have an inspiring wardrobe filled with high-end designer garments and accessories for every occasion. However, what happens in reality is often very different: tons of clothes (and shoes!) that haven’t been used in a while but somehow end up cluttering precious wardrobe space. And yet, finding something to wear every day seems to be a daunting task.

How many times have you searched hopelessly through your items and ended up wearing the same outfit? Or bought a designer dress you liked on impulse and never used it because you never seem to find how to accessorize it.

Hiring fashion consulting service experts can help you tackle your everyday fashion emergencies. From choosing the right color for your skin tone to selecting the accessories that will complete your runway look, the advantages of hiring a fashion consultant can be countless.

An outstanding fashion consultant will:

  1. Help you save money – their focus is to choose your garments and accessories that are right for you and that will integrate seamlessly into your closet. This way, you will be able to avoid buying items on impulse that will never get out of your closet.
  2. Leverage existing resources – fashion consultants can also help you make better use of what you already own and might suggest new ways to wear your different pieces.
  3. Keep you updated – one of the most important values you can get from hiring a fashion consultant is their knowledge. By keeping you informed about the latest trends and translating those into selections that really flatter your body type and fit your lifestyle. Fashion consultants can really transform your wardrobe!

Despite our busy schedules, with the help of a fashion consultant expert and discipline, those battles against your wardrobe are over. While we encourage our customers to try things outside their comfort zone, the key will always be selecting the items that will make you feel and look fabulous. Not sure if hiring a fashion consulting expert is right for you? Check these 3 things to consider before deciding or Contact us  here to learn more about our free consultations.



Jennifer Serrano

Written by Jennifer Serrano

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